Ball Valve Standards & Specifications

Relia ball valves are manufactured in accordance with API, ANSI, ASME and BS standards. Specifications for ball valves of design, fire-safe testing, wall thickness, testing, end connections, inspection and numerous other associated requirements. Valves may be designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with other international standards on request. 

API - American Petroleum Institute     

API 6A    
Specification for wellhead & christmas tree equipment  

API 6D    
Specification for Pipeline valves

API 600
Steel Gate Valves-Flanged and Butt-welding Ends, Bolted Bonnets

Recommended practice for fire testing of valves

API 6FA   
Specification for fire testing of valves    

API 598    
Valve inspection and test   

API 605    
Large diameter carbon steel flanges   

API 607    
Fire test for soft seated quarter turn valves    

API 594
Check Valves- Flanged, Lug, Wafer, and Butt-welding

ANSI - American National Standards Institute      

ASME - American Society of Mechanical Engineers  

ASME B16.11    
Forged steel fitting socket-welding and threading

ASME B16.5    
Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings

ASME B16.10    
Face to face and end to end dimensions of ferrous valves

ASME B16.25    
Butt welding ends.   

ASME B16.34    
Steel valves – flanged and butt welding ends   

ASME B31.3    
Chemical plant and petroleum refinery piping systems  

ASME B31.4    
Liquid petroleum transportation piping systems    

ASME B31.8    
Gas transmission and distribution piping systems    


ASTM - American Society for Testing Materials of valves

01.01    Steel piping, tubing and fittings   

01.02    Ferrous castings; Ferrous alloys

02.01    Copper and Copper alloys  

02.04    Nickel and Nickel alloys  

03.01    Metals – mechanical testing; elevated & low temperature test; metallography  


NACE - National Association of Corrosion Engineers

NACE MR-01-75    
Sulfide stress cracking resistant metallic materials for oilfield equipment   


MSS - Manufacturers Standardisation Society  

MSS SP06    
Standard finishes for contact faces of pipe flanges and connecting-end flanges of valves and fittings allied industries.

MSS SP25    
Standard marking system for valves fittings, flanges and unions

MSS SP44    
Steel pipeline flanges

MSS SP45    
By-pass and drain connection standard

MSS SP55    
Quality standard for steel castings – visual method

MSS SP61    
Hydrostatic testing of steel valves

MSS SP72    
Ball valves with fanged or butt-welding ends for general service


ISO - International organisation for Standardisation

ISO 9001
Quality systems-Model for quality assurance in design/development production installation an servicing

ISO 5208
Pressure testing of Industrial valves

ISO 5752
Metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems-Face to-face and centre-to-face dimensions

ISO 7121
Flanged steel ball valves

ISO 10423 (API 6A)
Wellhead and christmas tree equipment Specification

ISO 10497 (API 607)
Testing of valves -Fire type-test requirements(Fire Test for Soft-Seated Quarter-Turn Valves)

ISO 14313 (API 6D)
Specification for Pipeline Valves

ISO 15156 NACE MR0175.
Petroleum and Natural as industries -Materials for use in H2S-containing environments in oil and gas production

ISO 15848-1
Industrial valves- Measurement test and qualification procedures for fugitive emission Part 1: Classification system and qualification procedures for type testing of valves

ISO 17292
Metal ball valves for petroleum,petrochemical and allied industries


BS - British Standard

BS 1560
Steel pipe flanges and flanged fittings

BS 2080
Face to face. centre to centre end to end and centre to end dimensions of fanged and butt-welding end steel valves for the petroleum petrochemical and allied industries

BS 4504
Flanges and boltings for pipe valves and fittings.

BS 5146
Inspection and test of steel valves for the petroleum. petrochemical and allied industries.

Steel ball Valves for the petroleum.petrochemical and allied industries

BS 6755
Testing of valves

Leave Us Your Info

Could you please kindly fulfill the following information when enquiring:

Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)