Floating Ball Valve

Floating ball valves are side entry, fire safe, anti-static and locking designs. The Steel Floating Ball Valves meet API 6D, API 608, and API 598.

A floating ball valve is a ball valve with its ball floating inside the valve body. It drifts toward the downstream side and tightly pushes against the seat under the medium pressure to ensure sealing reliability. The Relia floating ball valve has a self-relieving seat that relieves pressure upstream.

The floating ball valve has a simple structure and good sealing performance, but the seat material is required to withstand the workload since the sealing pressure is borne by the seat ring.

Pressure Rating
Class 150-1500
End Connections
Flanged, Welded, Threaded

Standard Specifications 

Design and Manufacture API 6D/API 608/BS5351/ISO 17292 Face to Face Dimension API 6D
Inspection and Testing API 6D/API 598 Wall Thickness API 6D
Flange End Dimension ANSI/ASME B16.5 Material Nace MR 0175
Fire Safe Design API 607/API 6FA    


Side Entry Floating Ball Valve, Bolted Body, One Piece, 2 Pieces or 3 Pieces Body;


Carbon Steel, Stainless Steel, Low-Temperature Carbon Steel, Duplex, Super Duplex, Al Bronze, Inconel etc.


Soft Seat: PTFE, Nylon, PEEK, PPL, Delrin, Devlon etc.

Metal Seated: Stellite, Tunsten Carbide, Chrome Carbide

For selection of seat material, please refer to ball valve seat material selection guide


ENP, Stellite, Tunsten Carbide, Chrome Carbide


Manual: Lever, wrench or Gear

Actuated: Pneumatic/ Hydraulic/Electric


  • Bi-directional seal, two-way
  • Zero leakage
  • Split body, bolted body, side entry.
  • Fire safe
  • Anti-static device
  • Locking device
  • Self-relieving seat

Typical Drawings 

Forged Steel Flanged Floating Ball Valve

cast steel flanged floating ball valve

Material Specifications

No. Part Name WCB/A105+ENP LCB/F316 A351 CF8M/F316
1 Nut ASTM A194 2H ASTM A194 2HM ASTM A194 8M
2 Bolt ASTM A193 B7 ASTM A193 B7M ASTM A193 B8M
3 Bonnet ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A352 LCB ASTM A351 CF8M
4 Gasket SS304+Graphite SS316+Graphite SS316+Graphite
6 Ball ASTM A105+ENP ASTM A182 F316 ASTM A182 F316
8 Spring SS 304 SS 316 SS 316
9 Stem A182 F6a A182 F316 A182 F316
10 Thrust Washer PTFE PTFE PTFE
11 Packing Graphite Graphite Graphite
12 Packing Gland ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A352 LCB ASTM A351 CF8M
13 Bolt ASTM A193 B7 ASTM A193 B7M ASTM A193 B8M
14 Nut ASTM A194 2H ASTM A194 2HM ASTM A194 8M
15 Hand Stop Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
16 Lock Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron
17 Lever Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
18 Gasket Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
19 Pin Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Stainless Steel

 Forged Steel Flanged Floating Ball Valve

forged steel flanged floating ball valve drawing

Material Specifications

No. Part Name A105/A105+ENP LF2/F316 F316/F316
1 Nut A194 2H A194 7M A194 8M
2 Bolt A193 B7 A320 L7M A193 B8M
3 Bonnet ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 ASTM A182 F316
4 Gasket 304+Graphite 316+Graphite 316+Graphite
5 O-Ring Viton AED Viton AED Viton AED
6 O-Ring Viton AED Viton AED Viton AED
8 Ball A105+ENP A350 LF2+ENP A182 F316
9 Thrust Washer PTFE PTFE PTFE
10 Stem A182 F6a A182 F316 A182 F316
11 Axle Sleeve Stainless Steel Stainless Steel Stainless Steel
12 Stuffing Gland ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 A182 F316
13 Packing Graphite Graphite Graphite
14 Stud A193 B7 A320 L7M A193 B8M
15 Lock Cast Iron Cast Iron Cast Iron
16 Packing Gland ASTM A105 ASTM A350 LF2 A182 F316
17 Hand Stop Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
18 Snap Ring Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
19 Stud A193 B7 A320 L7M A193 B8M
20 Handle Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
21 Gasket SS304+Graphite SS316+Graphite SS316+Graphite
22 Stud Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
23 Sud Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel
24 Lever Carbon Steel Carbon Steel Carbon Steel

Dimension and Weight 

floating ball valve dimension & weight, Class 150


1.  L - Face to face/end to end dimensions, d - minimum bore size

2.  Face to face/end to end dimensions are according to ASME B16.10

Class 150 Floating Ball Valve Dimensions, Full Bore, Flanged Ends

Size d L H W Weight
Inch mm mm mm mm Kg
1/2 13 108 85 160 2
3/4 19 117 93 160 2
1 25 127 112 180 4
1-1/2 38 165 132 240 6
2 51 178 138 350 12
2-1/2 62 191 155 400 15
3 76 203 175 400 24
4 102 229 200 450 36
5 125 356 246 650 58
6 152 394 263 *300 94

Class 300 Floating Ball Valve Dimensions, Full Bore

Size d L H W Weight
Inch mm mm mm mm Kg
1/2 13 140 85 160 2.5
3/4 19 152 93 160 4
1 25 165 112 180 5
1-1/2 38 190 132 240 10
2 51 216 138 400 13.5
2-1/2 62 241 155 400 21
3 76 283 175 450 30
4 102 305 200 500 50
5 125 381 246 550 65
6 152 403 263 *300 122

Note: *  means Gear operated floating ball valves.

floating ball valve diemension & weight, Class 600

Class 600 Floating Ball Valve Dimensions, Full Bore

Size d L H W Weight
Inch mm mm mm mm Kg
1/2 13 165 85  160 3.5
3/4 19 191 93 180 5.0
1 25 216 112 240 7.5
1-1/2 38 241 125 350 15
2 51 292 130 400 23
3 76 356 170 * 500 48
4 102 432 216 * 700 80

Note: *  means Gear operated floating ball valves.

Class 900 Floating Ball Valve Dimensions, Full Bore

Size d L H W Weight
Inch mm mm mm mm Kg
1/2 13 216 85 160 5.0
3/4 19 229 93 180 8.0
1 25 254 115 240 10.0
1-1/2 38 305 128 400 20
2 51 368 148 450 25
3 76 381 196 *600 50

Note: *  means Gear operated floating ball valves.

Class 1500 Floating Ball Valve Dimensions, Full Bore

Size d L H W Weight
Inch mm mm mm mm Kg
1/2 13 216 85 160 5.0
3/4 19 229 112 180 8.0
1 25 254 115 240 10
1-1/2 38 305 123 400 20
2 51 368 132 *450 30

Note: *  means Gear operated floating ball valves.


Related Information

Valve body material selection guide

Ball valve seat material selection guide 

Trunnion ball valve VS floating ball valve

API 6D testing requirements

Ball valve torque chart

Leave Us Your Info

Could you please kindly fulfill the following information when enquiring:

Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)