Class 1500 Ball Valve

Class 1500 ball valves serves the pressure PN260, 260 bar. The body are made of forged steel, PEEK seat  are recommended. The shell test and seat test pressure are 383 bar and 281 bar for carbon steel body ball valves.

Valve Type
Ball Valve
Pressure Rating
ASME/ANSI Class 1500 (PN250/PN260)
Unit Price

Class 1500 Ball Valve Test Pressure (for carbon steel body valve)

Test Type Test Pressure Test Fluid
Shell Test 383 bar 5558 psig Water
High Pressure Seat Test 281 bar 4076 psig Water
Low Temperature Seat Test 6 bar 87 psig Air


Class 1500 Working Pressures (For Material: A216 WCB, ASTM A105, A350 LF2) 

Working Pressure by Class, bar

Temperature, ℃ Class 1500
-29 to 38 255.3
50 250.6
100 233.0
150 225.4
200 219.0
250 209.7
300 199.1
325 193.6
350 187.8
375 181.8
400 173.6
425 143.8
450 115.0
475 87.2
500 58.8
538 29.5

Working Pressure by Class, psig

Temperature, °F Class 1500
-20 to 100 3,705
200 3,395
300 3,270
400 3,170
500 3,015
600 2,840
650 2,745
700 2,665
750 2,535
800 2,055
850 1,595
900 1,150
950 685
1,000 430


ANSI Class 1500 Ball Valve Dimensions and Weight

NPS DN (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2x 1-1/2 50x40 45 368 371 368 38 51 216 145 95 145 450
2 50 55 368 371 368 51 51 216 155 105 152 600
3x2 80x50 75 470 473 470 51 77 267 155 105 152 600
3 80 105 470 473 470 77 77 267 195 130 190 1000 235 460
4x3 100x80 130 546 549 546 77 102 311 195 130 190 1000 235 460
4 100 205 546 549 546 102 102 311 200 164 285 255 235 460
6x4 150x100 300 705 711 705 102 146 394 200 164 285 255 235 460
6 150 525 705 711 705 146 146 394 258 229 420 318 360 610
8x6 200x150 615 832 841 832 146 194 483 258 229 420 318 360 610
8 200 880 832 841 832 194 194 483 335 302 530 410 580 760
10x8 250x200 1,085 991 1000 991 194 241 585 335 302 530 410 580 760
10 250 1,560 991 1000 991 241 241 585 392 350 645 467 580 760
12x10 300x250 1,850 1130 1146 1130 241 289 675 392 350 645 467 580 760
12 300 2,355 1130 1146 1130 289 289 675 492 426 780 567 580 760
14x12 350x300 2,620 1257 1276 1257 289 317 750 492 426 780 567 580 760
16x12 400x300 2,890 1384 1406 1384 289 362 825 492 426 780 567 580 760
14 350 3,020 1257 1276 1257 317 317 750 470 483 766 560 580 760
16 400 4,260 1384 1406 1384 362 362 825 524 539 878 614 663 760
18 450 6,400 1537 1559 1537 407 407 916 595 606 1012 750 663 760
20 500 9,300 1664 1686 1664 457 457 985 680 695 1190 835 663 760

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Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)