Class 2500 Ball Valve

Class 2500 ball valves serves the pressure 420 bar or 6000 PSI. The shell test and seat test pressure are 638.25 bar and 468.05 bar for carbon steel body ball valves.

Valve Type
Ball Valve
Pressure Rating
ASME/ANSI Class 2500 (PN420)
Unit Price

Class 2500 Ball Valve Test Pressure (for carbon steel body valve)

Test Type Test Pressure Test Fluid
Shell Test 638.25 bar 9255 psig Water
High Pressure Seat Test 468.05 bar 6787 psig Water
Low Temperature Seat Test 6 bar 87 psig Air


 Class 2500 Working Pressures (For Material: A216 WCB, ASTM A105, A350 LF2)

 Working Pressures by Class, bar

Temperature, ℃ Class 2500
-29 to 38 425.5
50 417.7
100 388.3
150 375.6
200 365.0
250 349.5
300 331.8
325 322.6
350 313.0
375 303.1
400 289.3
425 239.7
450 191.7
475 145.3
500 97.9
538 49.2

Working Pressures by Class, psig

Temperature, °F Class 2500
-20 to 100 6,170
200 5,655
300 5,450
400 5,280
500 5,025
600 4,730
650 4,575
700 4,425
750 4,230
800 3,430
850 2,655
900 1,915
950 1,145
1,000 715


ANSI Class 2500 Ball Valve Dimension and Weight

NPS DN (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2x1-1/2 50x40 65 451 454 451 38 44.5 235 140 95 150 600
2 50 93 451 454 451 44.5 44.5 235 145 170 200 198 185 360
3x2 80x50 165 578 584 578 44.5 63.5 305 145 170 200 198 185 360
3 80 215 578 584 578 63.5 63.5 305 190 205 275 245 235 460
4x3 100x80 280 673 683 673 63.5 89 356 190 205 275 245 235 460
4 100 385 673 683 673 89 89 356 225 240 350 280 360 610
6x4 150x100 540 914 927 914 89 133 483 225 240 350 280 360 610
6 150 830 914 927 914 133 133 483 305 285 480 380 410 610
8x6 200x150 1,150 1022 1038 1022 133 181 550 305 285 480 380 410 610
10x6 250x150 1,535 1270 1292 1270 133 226 675 305 285 480 380 410 610
8 200 1,435 1022 1038 1022 181 181 550 400 370 650 475 580 760
10x8 250x200 1,750 1270 1292 1270 181 226 675 400 370 650 475 580 760
12x8 300x200 2,264 1422 1445 1422 181 267 760 400 390 650 475 580 760
10 250 2,220 1270 1292 1270 226 226 675 470 435 770 560 643 760
12x10 300x250 2,650 1422 1445 1422 226 267 760 470 435 770 560 643 760
14x10 350x250 2,650 1651 1651 1651 226 267 760 470 435 770 560 643 760
12 300 3,350 1422 1445 1422 267 267 760 540 495 915 690 643 760
16x12 400x300 5,170 1962 1962 1962 267 352 760 540 495 915 690 643 760
14 350 5,090 1651 1651 1651 311 311 * 630 580 990 766 643 760
18x14 450x350 6,670 2134 2134 2134 311 397 * 630 580 990 766 643 760
16 400 6,160 1962 1962 1962 352 352 * 720 670 1100 856 643 760

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Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)