Class 600 Ball Valve

ASME/ASNI Class 600 ball valve (PN100) is also called 600 LB ball valve; the pressure rating is around 100 bar, 1480 psig. The shell test is 153.2 bar, high pressure seat test is 112. 3 bar, low pressure seat test is 6 bar for Class 600 ball vavles.

Valve Type
Ball Valve
Pressure Rating
ASME/ANSI Class 600 (PN100)
Unit Price

 Class 600 Working Pressures (Material: A216 WCB, ASTM A105, A350 LF2) 

Working Pressure by Class, bar

Temperature, ℃ Working Pressure (bar)
-29 to 38 102.1
50 100.2
100 93.2
150 90.2
200 87.6
250 83.9
300 79.6
325 77.4
350 75.1
375 72.7
400 69.4
425 57.5
450 46.0
475 34.9
500 23.5
538 11.8

Working Pressure by Class, psig

Temperature °F Working Pressure (psig)
-20 to 100 1,480
200 1,360
300 1,310
400 1,265
500 1,205
600 1,135
650 1,100
700 1,060
750 1,015
800 825
850 640
900 460
950 275
1,000 170


Class 600 Ball Valve Test Pressure (for carbon steel body valve)

Test Type Test Pressure Test Fluid
Shell Test 153.2 bar 2220 psig Water
High Pressure Seat Test 112.3 bar 1628 psig Water
Low Temperature Seat Test 6 bar 87 psig Air


Class 600 Ball Valve Dimension and Weight, Full Bore

Class 600 flanged ball valve dimension & weight (full bore)

NPS DN (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2" 50 34 292 295 292 51 51 165 155 105 152 600
3" 80 66 356 359 356 77 77 210 195 130 190 1000
4" 100 120 432 435 432 102 102 273 230 165 232 1000
6" 150 275 559 562 559 152 152 356 251 189 310 306 235 460
8" 200 510 660 664 660 203 203 419 311 245 460 366 410 610
10" 250 800 787 791 787 254 254 510 325 290 545 385 410 610
12" 300 1,110 838 841 838 305 305 560 378 343 645 438 580 760
14" 350 1,130 889 892 889 337 337 605 359 403 605 434 580 760
16" 400 1,580 991 994 991 387 387 685 397 443 686 472 580 760
18" 450 2,180 1092 1095 1092 438 438 745 483 488 775 573 580 760
20" 500 2,780 1194 1200 1194 489 489 815 503 525 850 598 643 760
22" 550 3,930 1296 1305 1296 540 540 870 565 574 958 737 643 760
24" 600 4,880 1397 1406 1397 591 591 940 604 612 1023 759 643 760
26" 650 5,830 1448 1460 1448 635 635 1015 638 649 1097 793 643 760
28" 700 6,940 1549 1562 1549 686 686 1075 687 686 1172 836 643 760
30" 750 8,560 1651 1664 1651 736 736 1130 727 726 1270 887 643 760
32" 800 9,940 1778 1794 1778 781 781 1195 760 767 1334 915 643 760
34" 850 11,570 1930 1946 1930 832 832 1245 796 804 1408 951 643 760
36" 900 13,530 2083 2098 2083 876 876 1315 832 838 1477 987 643 760
40" 1000 18,570 2337 2337 2337 978 978 1320 931 936 1672 1212 643 760
42" 1050 21,590 2437 2437 2437 1022 1022 1405 973 977 1755 1354 643 760
48" 1200 31,550 2540 2540 2540 1168 1168 1595 1108 1113 2026 1555 643 760
56" 1400 47,840 2949 2949 2949 1384 1384 1855 1270 1174 2348 1586 643 760


Class 600 Ball Valve Dimension and Weight, Reduced Bore

Class 600 flanged ball valve dimension & weight (reduced bore)

NPS DN (kg) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2x 1-1/2" 50x40 30 292 295 292 38 51 165 145 95 145 450
3x2" 80x50 44 356 359 356 62 77 210 155 105 152 600
4x3" 100x80 89 432 435 432 77 102 273 195 130 190 1000
6x4" 150x100 160 559 562 559 102 152 356 230 165 232 1000
8x6" 200x150 310 660 664 660 152 203 419 251 189 310 306 235 460
10x8" 250x200 570 787 791 787 203 254 510 311 245 460 366 410 610
12x10" 300x250 850 838 841 838 254 305 560 325 290 545 385 410 610
14x12" 350x300 1,180 889 892 889 305 337 605 378 343 645 438 580 760
16x12" 400x300 1,390 991 994 991 305 387 685 378 343 645 438 580 760
16x14" 400x350 1,360 991 994 991 337 387 685 359 403 605 434 580 760
18x16" 450x400 1,765 1092 1095 1092 387 438 745 397 443 686 472 580 760
20x16" 500x400 2,170 1194 1200 1194 387 489 815 397 443 686 472 580 760
20x18" 500x450 2,460 1194 1200 1194 438 489 815 483 488 775 573 580 760
24x20" 600x500 3,390 1397 1406 1397 489 591 940 503 525 850 598 643 760
30x24" 750x600 5,910 1651 1664 1651 591 737 1130 604 612 1023 759 643 760
36x30" 900x750 10,560 2083 2098 2083 736 876 1315 727 726 1270 887 643 760

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Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)