Class 900 Ball Valve

ANSI Class 900 ball valves are shell tested to 229.8 bar and high pressure seat test to 168.52 bar. The body material is normally made of forged steel due to high pressure.

Valve Type
Ball Valve
Pressure Rating
ASME/ANSI Class 900 (PN150/PN160)
Unit Price

Class 900 Ball Valve Test Pressure (for carbon steel body valve)

Test Type Test Pressure Test Fluid
Shell Test 229.8 bar 3330 psig Water
High Pressure Seat Test 168.52 bar 2442 psig Water
Low Temperature Seat Test 6 bar 87 psig Air

ANSI Class 900 Dimensions & Weight

NPS DN KG (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
2x1-1/2 50x40 45 368 371 368 38 51 216 145 95 145 450
2 50 52 368 371 368 51 51 216 155 105 152 600
3x2 80x50 58 381 384 381 51 77 241 155 105 152 600
3 80 80 381 384 381 77 77 241 195 130 190 1000
4x3 100x80 105 457 460 457 77 102 292 195 130 190 1000
4 100 170 457 460 457 102 102 292 200 164 232 264 235 460
6x4 150x100 230 610 613 610 102 152 381 200 164 232 264 235 460
6 150 390 610 613 610 152 152 381 270 203 382 325 360 610
8x6 200x150 470 737 740 737 152 203 470 270 203 382 325 360 610
8 200 640 737 740 737 203 203 470 295 260 485 355 410 610
10x8 250x200 730 838 841 838 203 254 545 295 260 485 355 410 610
10 250 1,070 838 841 838 254 254 545 390 321 595 560 580 760
12x10 300x250 1,200 965 968 965 254 305 610 390 321 595 560 580 760
12 300 1,610 965 968 965 305 305 610 446 377 700 521 580 760
14x12 350x300 1,695 1029 1038 1029 305 324 640 446 377 700 521 580 760
16x12 400x300 1,790 1130 1140 1130 305 375 705 446 377 700 521 580 760
14 350 1,560 1029 1038 1029 324 324 640 377 420 640 452 580 760
16x14 400x350 1,800 1130 1140 1130 324 375 705 377 420 640 452 580 760
16 400 2,240 1130 1140 1130 375 375 705 459 470 740 549 580 760
18x16 450x400 2,520 1219 1232 1219 375 425 785 459 470 740 549 580 760
20x16 500x400 2,970 1321 1333 1321 375 473 855 459 470 740 549 580 760
18 450 3,000 1219 1232 1219 425 425 785 504 511 822 594 580 760
20x18 500x450 3,400 1321 1333 1321 425 473 855 504 511 822 594 580 760
20 500 4,360 1321 1333 1321 473 473 855 556 562 924 711 643 760
24x20 600x500 5,580 1549 1568 1549 473 571 1040 556 562 924 711 643 760
24 600 7,030 1549 1568 1549 571 571 1040 640 650 1100 795 643 760
30x24 750x600 8,980 1880 1902 1880 571 714 1230 640 650 1100 795 643 760
26 650 8,270 1651 1674 1651 619 619 1085 680 688 1176 835 643 760
28 700 10,200 1753 1775 1753 667 667 1170 725 735 1270 880 643 760
30 750 12,440 1880 1902 1880 714 714 1230 775 789 1378 1046 643 760
36x30 900x750 15,650 2286 2315 2286 714 857 1460 775 789 1378 1046 643 760
32 800 12,100 2032 2054 2032 762 762 1315 820 824 1448 1091 643 760

Working Pressures by Class, bar

Temperature, ℃ Class 900
-2 to 38 153.2
50 150.4
100 139.8
150 135.2
200 131.4
250 125.8
300 119.5
325 116.1
350 112.7
375 109.1
400 104.2
425 86.3
450 69.0
475 52.3
500 35.3
538 17.7

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Could you please kindly fulfill the following information when enquiring:

Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)