Ball Valve Torque Chart

The ball valve torque chart contains basic information on determining the actued ball valve torques to be used for actuator selection. The torque values listed in the following tables are breakaway torques from the closed position.

Relia offers a valve actuation package fors, ball valves with pneumatic, electric and gas over oil operation.


Floating Ball Valve Torque Chart

Size Torque value (N.m)
(inch) Class 150 Class 300 Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500
1/2 12 17 30 38 51
3/4 14 23 38 56 130
1 27 48 66 98 238
1-1/2 55 89 120 189 350
2 75 100 160 240 550
2-1/2 125 141 233 390 980
3 162 216 308 610 ...
4 234 476 635 ... ...
5 546 910 ... ... ...
6 804 1338 1944 ... ...


  1. All ball valves are in normal temperature with PTFE seat for Class 150 and Class 300 ball valves and Nylon seat for Class 600 ball valve, PEEK seat for Class 900 and Class 1500 ball valves.
  2. Torque shown in this table is to be used as a guid for actuator selection, A safety factor of 1.5 times is recommended for sizing actuator.
  3. Torque may be changed according to different medium and trim material.


Trunnion Ball Valve Torque Chart

Size Torque value (N.m)
(inch) Class 150 Class 300  Class 600 Class 900 Class 1500 Class 2500
1-1/2 40 50 80 130 240 290
2 50 70 120 180 250 380
3 60 100 240 400 530 780
4 100 210 500 670 900 1300
6 420 600 900 1820 2040 4850
8 700 1100 1500 2560 4790 6900
10 1100 1800 2750 4510 8230 13600
12 1600 2500 3600 6824 10340 23100
14 1950 3200 4700 8250 12123  
16 2500 3500 5470 9940 14920  
18 3400 5510 9000 14630 27230  
20 4600 7500 11000 20000 32830  
22 5200 9000 14630 25400 39420  
24 6774 11150 17950 29900 46320  
26 8000 13360 21640 34950 55430  
28 8600 14200 24340 38780 70650  
30 9223 16660 32510 46610 75000  
32 11810 19500 37600 58230    
34 13330 21380 41800 63750    
36 14214 29375 47570 72600    


  1. The trunnion ball valve torque value is calculated based on normal temperature.
  2. Torque shown in this table is to be used as a guide for actuator selection. A safety factor of 1.3~1.5 is recommended for actuator sizing.
  3. Torque may be changed depending on fluids and trim materials.


Breakaway torques are determined by measured after the valve has been in the closed position under pressure for a set time period, and are the highest torques expected. The running torque is approximately 50%, or one-half, of the breakaway torque. The re-seat torque is approximately 75%, or three-quarters, of the breakaway torque.

BTO - Break To Open 
RTO - Run To Open 
ETO - End To Open 
BTC - Break To Close 
RTC - Run To Close 
ETC - End To Close


pneumatic actuated ball valve

Relia Pneumatic Ball Valves

Factors Affecting The Torque Value

Seat Materials:

The ball seat materials used in a valve will significantly influence the operating torque. Softer, lower-friction seats (such as TFE or TFMTM) will have a lower torque than the harder, higher-friction materials such as Delrin or PEEK. Different tables have been provided where seat materials significantly affect operating torque.

Line Media:

What is flowing through the valve can have the most significant effect on valve operating torques. Fine solids, slurries, or very viscous fluids can have a great effect, not only on torque but also on valve service life. Media factors are also provided in the tables at the end of this bulletin.

Operation Frequency:

How the valve will be operated and how frequently it will be operated also affect actuator selection and torque. Infrequent operation will require higher torque values than for valves in modulating services, for example. Service factors are provided in the tables at the end of this bulletin.

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Valve type (ball, gate, globe, check etc.), valve size, pressure class, valve material, and end connection (flanged, butt welding etc.)